Responsive Layout
Abaris is fully responsive and can adapt to any screen size. Resize your browser window to view it!
Awesome Sliders
Abaris includes Flex and Elastic Sliders that will help your content stand out to your viewers!
Font Awesome
Font Awesome icons are fully integratd into the theme. Use them in 6 sizes anywhere in your site!
Advanced Fonts
Abaris loves typography and customization. Choose from over 500+ Web Fonts to make your site unique!
AbarisPro is Simple, Beautiful and Fully Responsive!
AbarisPro is a multi purpose, Responsive theme with beautiful design and cool CSS3 animations. It uses HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap Grid system and coded with love and care. It's best suited for corporate/portfolio/blog sites. It has advanced theme options panel support to customize various parts of site, footer widget area to accommodate 4 widgets.